Internatio­nal Bacca­laureate Diploma Programme

IBDP Framework

The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme offers a comprehensive and robust programme of study. The Diploma gained upon completion of the course results in a qualification recognised by higher education institutions worldwide, including some of the best universities in the world. The IBDP course is demanding and is designed to meet the needs of highly- motivated Secondary school students aged 16 to 19. 

The benefits of the programme are oriented towards preparation for university study. Post-16-year-old students who decide to undertake this course gain organisational skills, develop the capacity for analysis and critical thinking as a result of reflection in the Theory of Learning unit, and gain a deeper understanding of the world around them.


The Programme

Widely-recognised pre-university course

The programme duration is 2 years long. As a widely-recognised pre-university course, the broad curriculum prepares students for the requirements stipulated by educational systems in different countries, while offering a balance in subjects from various disciplines.

Diploma candidates must take six courses, of which at least three - and no more than four - must be higher-level courses. The rest may be intermediate-level courses. One of the six options must be Mathematics. In addition, Diploma applicants must complete the core course components: Theory of Knowledge (TOK), Creativity, Action and Service (CAS), and the Extended essay.

The Diploma Programme at Altair

The Diploma programme at Altair is offered to all 11th Grade students who complete their Secondary education at the school and wish to commit to the course requirements.

Due to the complexity and academic demands that this course entails, it is highly recommended that students have a mature approach to learning and possess the ability to study independently.

Asignaturas ofrecidas en el Colegio Altair

Subjects offered at Colegio Altair

H – Higher Level 
I – Intermediate Level
S – Standard Level

Group 1: 

  • Language A - Literature – Spanish (H)
  • English A-Language & Literature(H)

 Group 2: 

  • English B (H)

 Group 3: Individuals and companies - Optional):

  • Psychology (I)
  • Economy (I)
  • Business Management (I)

Group 4:  Experimental Sciences:

  • Biology (S)
  • Physics (I)

 Group 5: Mathematics and Computer Science (Optional):

  • Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches (I)
  • Mathematics: Applications and Interpretations (I) 

Group 6:  Arts (Optional):

  • Visual Arts (I)
  • Business Management (H)
  • Global Politics (H)

Core courses (Required):

  •  Monograph
  •  Theory of Knowledge
  •  Creativity, Action and Service
    Creatividad, Acción y Servicio


    Creativity, Action and Service

    The Creativity, Action and Service module is one of the three core course elements and supports the personal and interpersonal development of students through experiential learning. 

    The CAS programme seeks to develop students with the following characteristics:

    • reflective thinkers who recognise their strengths and limitations, identify goals and construct strategies for personal development.
    • accepting of new challenges and roles.
    • aware of being contributing members of their community with responsibilities towards others and the environment.
    • active participants in collaborative projects.
    • balanced learners who enjoy a variety of activities, including physical, intellectual, creative and emotional experiences.

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